Haptic Horror

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Haptic Horror is an accessible multi-sensory horror experience, using Bluetooth speakers as a system of haptic delivery for an audio experience to make it accessible for a Deaf or hard of hearing audience.

It is an audio-visual horror experience around the idea of fears, which will be experienced through a series of personal speakers which will be held to participants’ bodies to induce the physical sound-sensation.

Accompanying the sound and touch senses, there is a video visual element, creating a rich tapestry of sensory experience.

The performances are open to anyone, but with a specific aim to engage some Deaf or hearing-impaired audience members.

The story for this work was created by the class in the Clydeview Deaf Unit in collaboration with Niamh McKellar and Connor Bristow in a series of workshops with the class. 

Event Start Time: 11:00, 13:00, 14:30

Location: The Watt Instition

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